Tag Archives: School bullying

50 Blog Posts Every Teacher Should Read

No Bullying sign - School in Racine, Wisconsin

Image via Wikipedia

I am proud to say that this blog has a place on a special list. 50 Blog Posts Every Teacher Should Read is a list produced by Michael Erins on his site Masters in Education.

The post, What can forgiveness do for you?, written July 31 2010, about Phoebe’s father’s wish to forgive the children involved in her suicide, was in response to the Phoebe Prince case, and in part, a post written earlier that day.

Thank you Mr. Erins for your dedication to teachers and for researching the 50 most important sites. I applaud your efforts.

As many of you know bullying is a crisis I care deeply about, despite my inability at this time to post as often as I would like.  I applaud efforts by educators to find new ways to deal with this age-old problem.

I mentioned awhile back I had spoken with my daughter’s principal about the lack of supervision on the playgrounds at her school. Two school days after that conversation the principal di send out an email to parents requesting volunteer supervision on the playground. It was a welcome email and when I returned to the school the following Friday there was a noticeable increase in parents choosing to attend lunch with their children. Recess seemed a little less chaotic and it is my opinion that adult presence simply reminds children of the rules even if the rules are unspoken. Kudos, to her principal!

Perhaps you can spend some time at recess with your children and help create a more visible adult presence. Children really enjoy it, and I am sure you will too.

Most bullying in schools occurs during unsupervised times like recess, class transitions, and bathroom breaks. Children cannot be watched every second of every day but if  more adults are present during recess perhaps the likelihood of bullying behavior will drop.

Isn’t it worth a try?

I hope you are having a wonderful week and I hope to have opportunity to write again soon. In the mean time please explore some of the helpful links I have provided on this site.


The Bully

An amazing new independent film by Derek Kimball and Matthew D. Konkel will première tonight at  7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8, at Rhode Center for the Arts, 514 56th St., Kenosha, Wisconsin. Filmed in Wisconsin, The Bully is an artistic perspective on something that is prevalent in our society, and is making headlines each day, it seems.

Kimball and Konkel expose bullying as it occurs through a child’s eyes, and offer a fresh reminder about what it feels like to be in elementary school face to face with a school bully.  Unique camera angles, and sound, make this film feel remarkably real, allowing the viewer to share the same emotions the boys do as they  find themselves confronting a bully to win the favor of a girl. Kelly, (Henry Shotwell), and Sam, (Richard Heim),  reach out to challenge Noah Marns (Alex Losi) and are surprised by what they find. You will be too.

While this movie does not seek to teach a lesson, or shine a light on the problem of bullying, the fact is, it does. Brilliant screenwriting by Derek Kimball and Matthew Konkel  make this an important contribution to the dialogue about bullying.  

If you are in the Kenosha area see this film firsthand, and if you are not, take the time to go to the website, view the trailer, and donate. Your support allows the film enter film festivals worldwide.